Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Swimming Just Got Way Funner!

Why, you ask? My new Splishie suits, of course!! I just got my first order of suits from Splish. Boy, was it hard to just pick a few! I even custom-made one (more on that below).

My first workout bikini! The first thing it made me think of when I tried it on was how badly I need a tan :)

It has monsters on it

This one to me is THE Splish suit. It's the first one I always think of when I think of Splish.

And it reminds me of Rainbow Brite a little. Can I be Skydancer?? (He was way cooler than Starlite)

And my Splish Custom suit!

Yeah that's right, I said it!!

[For those who may not know, HTFU is a saying in the tri community that you use when someone complains too much. It stands for Harden the (F) Up!]

Can't wait to wear that one to masters swim!

Had a nice brick workout Tuesday. I don't think it was intended to be a brick, but I didn't get a chance to do the run earlier in the day so I ended up having to do it right off the bike. For the 2nd time in a week, I got to watch the sun set over the lake while running. You couldn't really see the sun this time because it was cloudy, but the reflections off the clouds made the most amazingly beautiful colors. I sort of wished I had my camera but those kind of pictures never quite capture how awesome it really looks anyway.

Also Tuesday, a coworker who I hadn't talked to since before the 70.3 was asking me about my race. I told him it was great, I had fun, etc etc and that I'm continuing to build for Ironman. He asked me, "so do you have any injuries?" and really, the answer is no. I have the occasional aches and pains and soreness, but there's really nothing wrong with me. I thought about that for a second- comparing the volume I'm doing now, at 15+ hours per week, with what I was doing just a year ago (hardly anything, just coming off of injury). And my body is healthy and pain-free. I've read and heard that an easy, gradual buildup toughens up your bones and tissues so they get adapted to the workload; so in my brain I know it happens. But it's a different thing to actually experience it. I am the same *me* that I was before I started training for Ironman, but there's no way that that *me* could've gone out and done half of the workouts that I do regularly now. It's a pretty cool feeling, and a little strange at the same time.

In related news, for the first time I saw all the numbers for my big weekend workouts from now until CDA. I'm half excited, to think that my body is/will be capable of doing all that, and half friggin terrified, to think that very soon my body WILL be doing all that! Here's a taste: remember my training totals for last week, from my last post? Well on one weekend late in May, I will be doing about that much in 3 DAYS. Yikes!! There's one thing I know though. If Coach Jen says I can do it, then I can do it. I might have to make her remind me of that a few times though!

I guess I need to take some of my own advice... HTFU and get out there!!

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