Friday, April 3, 2009

Expo Day

So I was a dork and went to the very first race briefing, right when the expo opened. Hey, may as well get it out of the way, right? It turned out to be a good idea because by the time I left, there was a line out the door.

I also wanted to make sure I got there in time to get my GNOTri race top! I was so glad the coaches got them in time so I could race with the team colors. I know on race day there will be a lot of family members and friends who will be looking for the GNOTri tops to cheer for us, and that will be so cool! One girl's family all volunteered to work the same water stop together so they would be sure to have a good place to watch- now that's thinking.

I had to try it on in the little changing tent (another brilliant idea) to make sure I got the right size. When it made me feel a little bit like a sausage, I knew it was right :)

Walked around the expo a little, bought some logo gear:

Then headed home to follow Coach's instructions and REST. I kept looking at the wristband they gave us, which we have to wear in order to get the shuttle buses and get into transition. I kept thinking- It's ON now, and by the time it comes off, I will be a half-Ironman. Wow! This is really happening! I'm still staring at it now. For some reason it's this wristband that's suddenly making it feel real.

Well I managed to rest for about 30 minutes, then brought Stella to the bike shop for one final check. After they told me I was neurotic, and that nothing on my bike was different from when they checked it a week ago, Todd adjusted my derailleur a little bit to make me feel better and then I left.

Then it was time to go back to the expo for Macca's talk. I'd been trying to spot him all week but he probably just got into town from Hawaii a day or so ago. Saw Marcos and Lenny (teammates) at the talk. Macca signed autographs and took pictures with people both before and after the talk. People were nice and respectful, but man he was mobbed. Poor guy couldn't even walk anywhere. But he was so nice about it. I never saw him say no to anyone's request for a picture or autograph, even when his people were telling him he needed to go somewhere. Someone asked him if he was going to swim the course before the race. He said he wanted to, but he'd heard the lake was dirty. I had to set him straight so I told him no the lake is actually in really good shape right now, and if he wanted he could come swim with GNOTri in the morning, they're doing the course. He asked what time, so who knows, maybe he'll show up. Thank you to my new friend John the Photographist for snapping a photo:

And Molly, I didn't manage to grab any of him for you, but I didn't forget about you!

Back home again. I'm really going to rest now, I promise. Talked to Coach, she gave me my customary pre-race "Calm the F Down" talk, for which I am always grateful. Now, to keep my brain calm, I will make my Swim/Bike/Run/Misc gear lists and start packing. Tomorrow- bike drop-off. Get ready Stella!

1 comment:

Molly said...

Bwahahahahahahaha!!!! I'm glad you set him straight on the lake - it would be really funny if he came and swam with you guys. Thanks again for the photo :)