Monday, June 15, 2009


I definitely should have started this a few days ago. I still have time, but I'm a little nervous that I'm procrastinating on something that is so important. But I think actually that I'm putting it off *because* it's so important... I guess that makes me nervous, so I don't do it. Or something like that. One thing I hate about packing is I ALWAYS feel like I'm forgetting something, no matter how far in advance I do it. So I know that makes me avoid it a little.

I just finished making out my list- Swim, Bike, Run, T1 and T2. I still don't know what to put in my bike and run special needs bags. Any suggestions? All I can think of is a long sleeved shirt in the run bag in case it gets cold in the evening. But I don't think you get your special needs bags back, so whatever I put in them I have to not mind losing.

On the plus side, it looks like I do have everything on my list. I just have to get it put in one place! In retrospect, I should have sent a gear bag with Stella. Then I wouldn't have to be packing stuff like my helmet, pump, wetsuit, etc in my regular suitcase. Oh well. It should all fit.

Speaking of bikes, look what I got to ride this past weekend!

My friend/spinning instructor/kick-ass cyclist Courtney let me borrow her TT bike since Stella was gone already. We ride the same size bike, so all it took was a few seat adjustments. Actually, this was the very first bike with clip-in pedals that I ever rode. It was probably the first bike I ever rode that didn't have a kickstand :) When I was thinking about getting into triathlon a little over a year ago, Courtney and I went riding on the levee. She took her road bike and let me ride this one. To this day I have no idea how I didn't crash the thing- I had NO clue how to stop and start with the clip-in pedals. By some amazing stroke of luck I stayed upright (or rubber-side-down, as Ariel likes to say). I know it was luck because the very next time I rode a bike like that, which was when I bought Stella, I fell over the first time I tried to stop. I'm glad I didn't know how nice of a bike hers was when I rode it, or I probably WOULD have crashed it just from the extra nervousness!

So I still say this weekend was my first time riding a carbon bike, since I didn't know anything when I rode it that one time. OMG it was so nice! Courtney has always told me that a carbon bike rides so much smoother than aluminum, especially for a smaller person. I was skeptical, but not anymore! If it wasn't for the painful saddle (I'm spoiled by my Adamo!) I would have been riding in crazy style AND comfort! Courtney laughed at me when I thanked her today and said how nice it was, saying that she and Todd (bike shop guy) were saying that after I rode that, I'd be wanting a new bike. Not quite, Stella's still my girl, but damn it was nice!!

OK, back to packing! Quick, someone remind me of something I'm forgetting! Socks? Sportsbras? My race belt? Help me out here!


Anonymous said...

Gels, c02, tubes, dollar bill (for flats), you can also use Gel packets for flats. GOOD LUCK!

Anonymous said...

I carry a small picture of my family - they get me to the finish line and eventually home...

Saw you on the road yesteday coming from KENNA!