Monday, February 16, 2009

Rain, Rain, Rain

I guess we've been too spoiled by such nice weather for our group rides these past few weeks, because it rained ALL weekend! I couldn't complain too much since we have had a nice long run of great days. But I did complain a little. I'm a wuss about the rain. Running in it isn't too bad, as long as it's not pouring, but biking in the rain is scary and not fun.

I knew it was going to be raining Saturday morning, but I still trudged out to the swimhole at 6:30 to see what the group was up to. If there was any training going on, I'd feel guilty if I didn't show up. Turned out there were only about five of us who showed up (not including either coach, I might add!). A few were going to run instead, but that plan got scrapped too as the skies started to really open up. Rick said he was going to the gym to ride the spinning bike. Three to four hours on a spin bike? NO thank you, not for this girl! I was tired and cranky anyway, so I decided my plan was to go home and go back to sleep. The weather cleared up a little in the afternoon so I did Sunday's long run instead of the ride.

Sunday morning, it was STILL raining but I knew if I didn't ride then, it wasn't going to happen at all. So out to the swimhole I went. This time, there were 8 of us who rode. Five turned around at Venetian Isles (about a 45-mile round trip) and Marcos, Leslie and I continued on to Ft. Pike. It would have been about a 63-mile round trip, but shortly before the turnaround point I got a flat. Yay. Marcos changed it for me (while the three of us got eaten alive by swarms of biting gnats) and we made it back. 60 miles was plenty for me, even though I was supposed to ride 80. Oh well. Some days you have it, some days you just don't. At least the two hour nap I took after I got home felt good!

At the swimhole, with Stella waiting to be unleashed:

(Normally this parking lot is PACKED with cars for the weekend ride!)

Marcos: "Huh? I'm awake, I swear..."

Al, ready to ride as always:

Me, pretending to be excited about riding in the rainy wet:

(did it work? No?)

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