Monday, March 30, 2009

Less than a week to go!

After a few obstacles this weekend, I finally got my last long ride done and am officially tapering. The ride was not good- I hate getting stuck out after dark, and on top of that I almost got run over by an illegal drag race- but at least it's over.

One last lake swim on Wednesday, assuming the weather is good. I did this weekend's long run on the race course and visualized myself running it on race day. My friends are making their spectating plans, my GNOTri teammates are also tapering and are getting excited, pro-spotting is officially underway (kinda bummed that I missed Natascha Badmann on Sunday) and everyone is doing their good-weather dances!

I'm so excited to be doing 1) my first half Ironman, 2) a race in my hometown, and 3) an IM race in its inaugural year. The fact that I get to do all three at the same time is so cool!

I've learned so much from the coaches and the tri veterans on our team- tips and tricks, yes, but perhaps more importantly, how to relax and remember that above all, this is FUN. I tend to be really tough on myself and I'm OK with that, I just need to make sure it doesn't cross the line into interfering with me enjoying myself out there.

Overall, I'm pretty confident about Sunday. A lot of that is probably due to the fact that it's my first, so I don't have many expectations. I also know that I'm not getting a full taper because I'm not peaking for this race, so that may affect my performance and that's OK. The main goal is to go out there and feel strong, race smart, follow the plan, and end up with a good assessment of where I'm at in my preparation for the full IM in June.

The major assignment for this week is to get enough sleep, so I better go do that now. Come on, Sunday!

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