Thursday, December 11, 2008

Today I learned... right people are when they say you have to keep swimming consistently or you'll lose your feel for the water. I swam tonight for the first time since before I went to India, and it felt like I was learning to swim all over again! You would think that since I was just training for a half marathon that I'd be in decent shape, but apparently it doesn't completely cross over. After my first few sets, I was tired! And they were easy sets too! Finally by the end I was feeling a little more like my old swimming self, but still far from fishlike.

Before India, I was getting a little burned out on swimming. I think the weather turning colder had something to do with me starting to not look forward to my swims. Also I think I was just getting bored of up and down and up and down and up and down the pool all the time. I still wasn't thrilled about the cold today- I totally wussed out and swam inside. Even though I hate swimming inside, sometimes I hate the cold more. But even with that going on, I didn't have that burned out feeling about doing my workout that I'd been starting to have before. My break from swimming wasn't planned, but maybe it's good that it happened. It is the offseason after all so it's not like I have a race to worry about, and it's kind of nice to feel that swimming is new again. Maybe I should buy a new suit to celebrate. Of course, I doubt that my upcoming swims are going to be as easy as this one was, so maybe I shouldn't speak too soon about my newfound love for swimming and instead just get my arse in the pool and get better at it!

Ms Kai doesn't know what all the fuss is about. She thinks swimming is awesome no matter how often you do it.

And it's even better if you get to carry a big stick.

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