Sunday, November 16, 2008

tran⋅si⋅tion  /trænˈzɪʃən, –noun

"movement, passage, or change from one position, state, stage, subject, concept, etc., to another"

Before you can figure out you're transitioning, though, you have to know where you were, then that it's changing, and then where you want to be. Or at least where you think you're headed.

So before I could figure out that I was transitioning into an adult, I had to figure out what that meant. Who was I, really? What was I trying to be? When I was in college, I used to always hear people say that college taught them who they really were. Whatever that means. I used to get so frustrated at that because whatever that boat was, I missed it. If there was a class or a seminar on it, I didn't find it. Nor did I have some kind of "a-ha!" epiphany moment. But it did make me start asking myself the question. I never really thought to wonder about who I really was before that. I didn't realize it was something people actually thought about. But like everything else at college, what I ultimately learned was how much I didn't know. What motivates me? What makes me happy? What do I want to achieve with my life? Do I have a "type", as far as guys that I like, and what is it? What's REALLY my favorite flavor of ice cream? (OK so that last one was easy. All of them. Just not the ones with chunks of cherries in them, that's just gross.)

So now here I am, about 4.5 years post-college, and I finally feel like I've started to make progress on some of those answers. I guess you figure out those things as you see how you respond to different life situations. What motivates me? A challenge. Wanting to feel loved and appreciated. Pleasing someone. The desire to do the right thing. I'm still working on it, but it's a start. And I'm finding that the more answers I get, the more comfortable I feel with myself as a person. That's a transition I've been wanting for a long time.

What other transitions have I been up to? I've gone from New Yorker to New Orleanian; from dog sister to dog mom, thanks to the most amazing canine companion any girl could ever wish for and who I love more than I thought possible; from student to gainfully employed; from living under someone else's roof to being a homeowner; from reluctant athlete to inactive blob to finally an athlete again, and an eager one this time; from codependent to able to stand on my own two feet.

Not least of all, this season was my first time trying the transition from swimmer to cyclist and cyclist to runner. And I think I really like this triathlon stuff! In my rookie season, I did two sprint triathlons and one Olympic distance, and I had a blast. Now I'm getting ready for my first half marathon on Dec 7th which I'm very excited about (Vegas baby!). Next year will be even better. I've got a great coach and I'm happy with what I'm doing. So there's another answer to one of my questions- what makes me happy? Triathlon!

Now off for my 135-min long run, the longest until Vegas. Also the longest run of my life so far, actually. See, things are changing in a great way, and that's what it's all about!

1 comment:

Molly said...

Woohoo! You're blogging! :)

Hope you had a great run. Tell me how far you ended up doing in that time! Vegas is coming up fast!