Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Time Management FAIL

As my training progresses, it's becoming more and more important for me to figure out how to balance my time between training, work, Kai, and other responsibilities. There have been times when my workouts have suffered because I haven't devoted enough time and attention to getting them done properly. There have also been times when my work has suffered because I'm prioritizing it lower than training. And I would always love to spend more time with Kai.

I'm clearly not giving up my training, and I gotta pay the bills so I can't give up on my job. So, I'm going to have to figure out this time management thing.

Today I had a treadmill run and a long swim. Most 2-workout days I do one at lunch and one after work, and that works out fine. But there were two extenuating circumstances today: the inauguration and a late meeting at work. I found myself at 1:45 PM sitting in my office, without either workout done. I really didn't want to swim after my late meeting since that would mean a really late night. So I decided to leave the office right then, go to the gym and do the run and the swim, and come back for the meeting. Sounded like a great idea but I ended up getting in the pool at almost 4:30, with my meeting starting at 5:30. I barely got in a third of the workout before I had to leave again.

I hate messing up my schedule like that, since now I'm going to have to do that swim tomorrow. But more than that, I also hate feeling like I screwed up and I'm not making my training enough of a priority. I always tell myself, "if it's important enough, you'll get it done". I know it's only going to get harder from here as the workouts get longer, and I worry that might mean my commitment isn't strong enough to make it. But as my coach says, as long as it doesn't become a pattern it's OK. And she's probably right. I did get my run done, even though it was HARD and my legs are SO SORE from yesterday's PT session that I could barely step up onto the treadmill!

Sigh. Living and learning. Tomorrow I get to try again!

1 comment:

Mookl said...

No, not Time Management Fail, just time challenges. Don't beat yourself up over the training objectives. Youre already ahead of the curve and doing what you can is plenty enough, life balance can adapt but don't let it suffer. Just a thought :)